Well, It’s Been Awhile

I am fully moved into my new studio. It took some doing but I’ve been here now for over a year.

The move was exhausting, it’s amazing how much stuff I accumulated in the 30+ years I was at the Fortress. Luckily the distance I had to haul that stuff was only a little more than a couple of miles.

In the process of moving I also had quite a lot of work to get out including several more of my guitar stools. I also designed and made a new dining table base for a client that had a glass table top and I continued the work of converting a clients beds from queen size to king and double to queen. Oh, and I completed another surfboard table that was shipped out to L.A.

As part of this change in studio I have created a space for making art. particularly 2D art, paintings and prints. I’ll be posting some my recent paintings soon.

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